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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Printable Tutorial Site Added!

So I am feeling kind of genius like right now. Granted, this may be due to the hours I have spent at my computer this week learning html5 and css! Which ended up being two of the things that were oddly enough not required to add my next feature to my site! That is ok, they will help me later with some of my other scathingly brilliant ideas! (ok, yes, I need some sleep)
Anyhoo, now you will be able to access step-by-step with picture tutorials on the printables I offer in my shop and the freebies that I will offer on the blog and through the newsletter! Now those who are visual learners, like myself, will be able to really see how to make some fab items easily. Eventually, I will also like to add some other tutorials from other DIYers with some other fab crafts and recipes! (if you have any let me know!) So this will keep building. Today I put my first tutorial up in both a web based with slide show tutorial as well as a downloadable version. Both are printable. (I mean, what kind of site would I have if they were not?!)  You will be able to find the link on the right side of my blog under getting inspired, there will be a link on my site, and in my shop. Check it out and let me know what you think! Maybe I will do video next, then again maybe I will wait until after the baby is born.
Siiigh, so many things in the works! Thank you for following as we grow and stay tuned!

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